Hello everyone! It's been a while! Over a year, in fact. With that little hiatus behind us, I am excited to bring you to the next era of Lasitas. I plan to regularly post again, though I want to focus more on creative writing than making it a newsletter. However, never fear, newsletter fans, if you subscribe to my newsletter, you will get... a newsletter! In your email inbox! From me!! The newsletter will basically serve as a way to get email notifications of new posts, since Blogger stopped supporting the automatic email updates that my first-era subscribers are familiar with. So, instead of just posting to Blogger and letting the built-in RSS email functionality handle the rest, I'm going to be more hands-on with writing a newsletter that links to the latest post. If you previously were subscribed to Lasitas, I have you on my new email group, no problem! If you are new here and would like to subscribe, click here to get added to the list! With that out of the way, I would l...